It’s safe to say that the banking world, in recent times, has been turbulent. But for the most part, it’s still an industry in which almost all players are seen as offering pretty much the same products and services—with few, if any, breakthrough brands.
As such, there is a tremendous opportunity for banks today to create a unique brand for themselves. When was the last time a bank brand elicited any kind of emotional response (well, other than anger) from you? While the banking marketplace is still highly competitive and overcrowded, institutions that realize how customer loyalty and emotional connections are direct outcomes from strong branding will have a competitive advantage.
So if you’re a bank, how do you begin establishing a brand that enables you to stand apart? This free ebook, “Branding for Banks,” outlines critical steps in truly knowing what you offer, what the marketplace wants, and how to distill that knowledge into a unique value proposition that identifies the special place where you can capture the attention of prospects; strengthen connections with customers; and, most importantly, gain long-term bottom-line benefits.
Obviously every bank has unique challenges in making its voice heard above the market noise. But the principles in this ebook can help any financial institution understand the most important insights that are needed to build a solid brand foundation, and how to begin gathering them.